Saturday, May 30, 2020

This week in Div 3, June 1st to 5th

Summer Fun June GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Maintaining Community in June:

We will have Google Meets on Wednesdays at 1 pm in June to maintain our Div 3 connections. 

To join the video meeting, click this link:  

Grade 5 Transitions:

View this video to get a feel for Journey:

Hold the date: June 19th at around 1 pm, we will be doing a unique Grade 5 transition event. It, like everything these days, is optional, but if you would like to participate, mark your calendar.

Continuing Learning this Week:

On Site  Students who have registered their attendance will be learning at school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in June. Please dress for the weather as we will be walking in the community every day and a lot of the learning will be taken outdoors. Please review the health protocols that the district and Ms Vally emailed to you. 

Google Classroom We will continue to post three options per day: a number talk, a short story with an activity, along with a design challenge, outdoor ed. or cross curricular activity to do. We will review submissions on Friday to give students feedback and direction. Please email us if you encounter technical difficulties; we will be checking emails to ensure that students are on track during the week.

Or Self Design and Mix and Match to build a program that fits you. Please feel welcome to use the resources on this link or to ask us for support.

Your teachers, missing you,

Ms Powers and Ms Bridal

Sunday, May 24, 2020

This week in Division 3, May 25th to May 29th

Looking Forward – the only way to go – Bring it On
Looking Forward

Action needed -- Survey for families: If you haven't already, please indicate if your child will be participating in on site, part-time schooling starting in June.  Here is the link:

Please stay tuned for two detailed emails from the superintendent of Sooke schools this week; he will be sharing details about the partial reopening on June 1st.

GRADE 5 Closure Ceremonies - We have a Sooke-wide idea for our Grade 5's moving on up to Middle School. As we work out the logistics and the details, we will share them widely. We are hoping to mark this occasion in a Sooke-history making way.

Journey Tours - Journey will not be organizing school tours until August for students and families who want to inspect their facilities. Please contact Journey directly to inquire.

Maintaining Community this Week

We will have a Google Meets on Tuesday and Thursday at 1 pm. To join the video meeting, click this link:  

Continuing Learning this Week

Lo-Tech/No-Tech You can find this week's suggestions on this link or attached to the email version of this post.

Google Classroom We will have a course check in on Wednesday at 1pm. To join the meeting, click on the video meeting link on the site. We will be talking about how we are going to blend on line learning with on site delivery. We'd like to keep our class connected with each other moving forward.

Self Design For the next 30 days, you may want to explore a new resource: Brain Pop. Brain Pop is offering free family access for the next 30 days. Brain Pop is an American resource, so make sure to protect your privacy, if you sign up. The platform is an interactive, multi-modal, cross-curricular resource that appeals to kids:

Or Mix & Match to build a program that fits you.

Your teachers, missing you,

Ms Powers and Ms Bridal

Friday, May 15, 2020

This week in Division 3, May 19th to 22nd

seaside gifs | WiffleGif
Looking Forward

Action needed -- Survey for families: Please indicate if your child will be participating in on site, part-time schooling starting in June.  Here is the link:

Action needed -- Grade 4 Students: please email us the names of three friends to help us to organize classrooms for next year. We will make sure that you have at least one strong connection in that new class.

Supplies Pick Up Times:
Tuesday, May 19th:
8:30-10:00- Family names A-C
10:30-12:00- Family names D-J
12:30-2:00- Family names K-O
Wednesday, May 20th
8:30-10:00- Family names P-S
10:30-12:00- Family names T-Z

Why are we picking up supplies, if schools are re-opening? We are reducing clutter and touch points for students at the school to maintain a clean environment. Individual desks or cubbies to store items won't be a feature in physically distanced classes; we won't require students to change shoes and we will have students use their backpacks as personal storage. 

What if I can't pick up my child's (children's) supplies? If you are home-bound and need a drop off, we are happy to do that for our students. If you are otherwise committed, we can arrange an alternate pick up or we can drop it off at your doorstep. We are flexible and want to be helpful.

Maintaining Community this Week

We will have a Google Meets on Thursday at 1 pm. To join the video meeting, click this link:  The meeting won't be available until the teachers hosting it have joined.

On Tuesday, Ms Bridal and Ms Powers are assisting with supplies pick up, so our regularly scheduled Meets is cancelled. Sorry.

Continuing Learning this Week

Lo-Tech/No-Tech You can find this week's suggestions on this link or attached to the email version of this post.

Google Classroom We are now posting a daily short-story and reflection activity for reading and writing. Math Number Talks will be focused on patterning, a pre-algebra skill. It is our hope to post one other curricular activity per day to provide our students with an hour of daily schooling. Some days, the family won't be able to get to this; that is okay. Do what you can.

Self Design In addition to our resources, we encourage you to explore the Ministry's open learning resource:

Or Mix & Match to make it work for you and your family. Please share photos and videos of you working from home with us.

Forest GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Your teachers,

Ms Powers and Ms Bridal

Sunday, May 10, 2020

This week in Division 3, May 11th to May 15th

Sunflower GIFs. 95 Beautiful GIF Animations for Free
Maintaining Community this Week

We will be having an optional meet up at 1 pm on Tuesday and Thursday this week. To join the video meeting, click this link:  The meeting won't be available until the teachers hosting it have joined.

This week we are assembling another slideshow of our home learning. These pictures will also feature in our Grade 5 Year End Slideshow. Yes, we are getting creative around how to acknowledge your passage from elementary to middle school. If you have a novel idea, share it with us.

Continuing Learning this Week

Low Tech/No Tech: You can find this week's suggestions on this link or attached to the email version of this post.

Google Classroom: 
We will have a GC question and answer session at 1 pm. During this session, students can ask about "classwork" or make requests around lessons/activities.
We are designing materials that have curricular connections, but that could also be done with siblings. We do review what students submit, but we are appreciating their efforts and not grading them.

Self Design:  Thank you for sharing what you are doing with us and for reaching out when you want clarification around Grade level curriculum expectations. We are excited to hear how many of you are using Sal Khan's "Khan Academy"; this site is free and teaches the concepts behind the algorithms that we grew up learning by rote ( Ms. Bridal's daughters have been using Khan to support math and science instruction at UVic., so it really is a long ranging resource.

Or Mix and Match to create a hybrid program that works with your family and routines.

There is a lot of speculation around a "dry run" in June of optional, on-site lesson delivery. We don't have details about when that could be or how that could look yet. As soon as we know those details, we will share them widely.

Until then, here we are, in our virtual world, missing our kids, your kids, and hoping this comes to an end soon. Let's make the best of it.

Your teachers,
Ms Powers and Ms Bridal

Sunday, May 3, 2020

This week May 4th to 8th

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Maintaining Community this Week

We are having a Poirier Parade-on-by this Wednesday at 12:30. 100% chance of showers out of Ms Bridal's eyes. She'd better keep her distance with those tears flying everywhere!

We will be having a meet up at 1 pm on Tuesday and Thursday. We are going to announce a theme for the Thursday meet up on Tuesday.

We don't have the ability to safely do a Pizza Party yet, but we can have some fun in the interim. Ms Powers and Ms Bridal are going to march on up to Journey with pizza for you next year, if that is what it takes. We can wait, COVID is no match for how much we care about you.

Continuing Learning this Week

Low Tech/No Tech: You can find this week's suggestions on this link and a copy of the word document has been emailed out. Thanks for sharing your work with us; we love to connect with your learning.

Google Classroom: We are creating new material weekly and your feedback directs what we put out. Would you like some real time lessons, for example? We recognize and really value how different all of us are at home, so we are aiming to make our lessons flexible and accessible.

We will continue to post new activities at 8 am. We will be available from 9 to 2 for support. Between 2 and 4, we will review your submitted work to appreciate it and connect with you about what you are doing. We love getting pictures of what you are creating and learning.

Self Design:  Send photos of what you are doing so that we can include them in our year end video. Are you learning in nature or at a parent's worksite, for example? We know some of you are and we would love a shot of you in the field or on the job!

Be safe above all. Focus on wellness. We are here to support in any way that we can.

Your teachers,
Ms Powers and Ms Bridal