Friday, June 19, 2020

Our last post, Division 3, June 22nd to 25th

Dearest Div 3 kids and families, 

This is our final post in what has been a roller-coaster of a school year thanks to Covid 19.

Here are some photos from the Grade 5 Community Leaving Event to go down in history:
Students, staff and families lined the streets and cheered as passing cars honked in celebration

Final Dates for this last week:

June 24th - The last day that Google Classroom is open(but we know learning can happen everywhere and always). Summary reports will be mailed to your home

June 25th - The last on site school daySummary reports will be distributed at this date or mailed to your home, if you are unable to attend. 

Returning Learning Resources:

School Library Books - you can drop off library book at the front doors Monday to Friday until 4 pm.  Please return your books by June 19th or sooner to make our librarian and your teacher really happy.

School Chromebooks - please return chromebooks and other tech., if you haven't already

Supply Lists for 2020-2021

Lists for all SD 62 schools can be found on this link:
2019/20 supply lists Please note: Secondary schools do not provide lists as each class is different. Please make sure your child brings a notebook or binder as well as a pen/pencil on the first day of school. If your school does not have a link or is not listed below, it means that school does not have a school supplies list. Your child will learn what they need to bring to school during the first week.

Continuing Learning this last Week and Beyond:

On Site We are learning outdoors for our in-class days this week: June 23 and 25th. Please wear appropriate foot and outerwear for the conditions. Bring your sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen!!!

Google Classroom The last day that our online classroom is open is June 24th. If you are unable to continue online because you had to return a chromebook, we recommend that you read, keep a journal, and practice basic addition and multiplication facts using cards or dice for 15 minutes (each card or dice is a term in an equation). We also recommend that you take advantage of the Sooke Library's Take-OUT service. Go to this link for details: These activities are good for always. The brain loves to be challenged.
Takeout Service Status Updates We know you’ve missed your books, DVDs, magazines, and all the other great stuff you love …
It has been our privilege to teach your kids. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Here's to a great last week and a super summer (AND AN END TO THE PANDEMIC!)

Your Grade 4 and 5 teachers, Ms Bridal and Ms Powers

Happy Summer! | K-Pop Amino

Sunday, June 14, 2020

This week in Division 3, June 15th to 19th

Hi Bird GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
Dates to Note in June:

June 19th - Grade 5 Send Off at 1pm in the centre of Sooke.  Ms Powers and Ms Bridal will be standing close to the bus stop by TD Bank, but not close to each other.  Ms Bridal will be wearing a very fashionable mask out of respect for the public. 

June 24th - The last day of supported distance learning, but we know learning can happen everywhere and always. Summary reports will be mailed to your home

June 25th - The last on site school day. This is the last day for school supply pick up; they will be donated after this date. Summary reports will be distributed at this date or mailed to your home, if you are unable to attend. 

Maintaining Community in June:

We will have our last class Google Meets on Wednesdays at 1 pm on June 17th. 
To join the video meeting, click this link:  We can discuss our send off ideas and say, "see you later" because it is never good bye for good. 

The Sooke Grade 5 Send Off  is June 19th at 1 pm. 

Returning Learning Resources:

Library Books - you can drop off library book at the front doors Monday to Friday until 4 pm.  Please return your books by June 19th or sooner to make our librarian and your teacher really happy.

Chromebooks - please return chromebooks and other tech. by June 19th. These can be dropped off at school or with Ms Bridal at the Grade 5 send off; she will have a box in the boot of her car. 

Continuing Learning this Week:

On Site We are learning outdoors and, unfortunately, there is rain in forecast for our in-class days this week: June 16, 18. Please wear appropriate foot and outerwear for the conditions.

Google Classroom The last day of on-line learning is June 24th. If you are unable to continue online because you had to return a chromebook, we will be providing guidelines for tech-less activities to continue to support learning. Our last email to you will be on June 21st. 

Your Grade 4 and 5 teachers for always, missing you,

Ms Powers and Ms Bridal

Sunday, June 7, 2020

This week in Division 3, June 8th to 12th

Parade GIF - Find on GIFER
Dates to Note in June:

June 19th - Grade 5 Send Off at 1pm in the centre of Sooke. Decorate your family car, drive by and make some noise for this unique set of Grade 5's! See Ms Vally's school message for specifics.
June 25th - The last day to collect school supplies from Poirier. They will be donated after this date. See Ms Vally's school message for specifics.

Maintaining Community in June:

We will have Google Meets on Wednesdays at 1 pm in June to maintain our Div 3 connections. 

To join the video meeting, click this link:  

The Sooke Grade 5 Send Off  is June 19th at 1 pm. Ms Vally emailed the specifics and we will be emailing another copy to your email account.

Continuing Learning this Week:

On Site Please dress for the weather as we will be outside every day and rain is in the forecast. Our in-class days are: June 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25.

Google Classroom For those of you who worked on assignments in google classroom, we reviewed them on Friday and sent you feedback. Some students submitted work without a file attachment. If you need technical support, please email us. We are not marking assignments, but appreciating your work and giving you a few pointers or things to think about. Again, do what you can when you can.

Your Grade 4 and 5 teachers for always, missing you,

Ms Powers and Ms Bridal